Very happy about the cat getting balled
Very happy about the cat getting balled
Fuck that cunt pirate.
Thank you, this is the best thing I've watched in ages.
I love the changes in animation so much in these. It's rotoscoping I assume, and it looks great.
I adored this, awesome work :D
Geeee, this looks great. Up until the closeup I was wondering if this was an amazingly composited image. Nope, just an amazingly modeled, lit, and rendered scene. My only gripe with it would be the bit of a dip into the uncanny valley at the end, but that's facial animation and skin for ya ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Oh, and happy belated birthday!
Está bueno el proyecto. A futuro recomiendo balancear los volúmenes de los que hablan porque a veces algunas voces se escuchan mas bajo que otras. Si lo graban directamente en una call de discord y no graba cada uno su audio, recomendaría hacer ese cambio porque te asegura la mejor calidad posible para poder sacar ruido de fondo y demás.
Que les vaya muy bien con el proyecto :)
Gracias por al recomendación bro, Lo haremos a si entonces, Gracias por el consejo :)
Was that Stamper's laugh?
Awesome stuff!
Blammed for the ear rape
I put the audio super saturated with all the intention B)
Not an actual gorilla. Man inside a wall.
My drawings tend to be gross.
The worst artist ever, according to me.
Argentine Empire
Joined on 11/7/16