Should the Art portal have a Blam system?
Given that the art portal is way more active now than when it was implemented (correct me there if I'm wrong), is there a justification for it not having the same system as Movies and Games?
I think it should. I enjoy going through the portal and finding new artists constantly. I even go in the Undiscovered section and scout people who I think should be seen more. Thing is, there are days where the portal is filled with low effort sketches (which shouldn't even be there), variation spam, upload barrages from the same artist, etc. Given that the portal has 4 items per row it's easy to miss work that is buried under tons of pieces.
If you want to be less drastic, you could even have it so 'Blammed' posts are simply removed from the portal but not the profile.
I understand there is always going to be more content in the art portal due to the time it takes to make it. That said, I think the Blam/Save system makes a ton of sense to avoid saturation. Calibration would be needed because the Art portal has generally higher scores than the other portals, so there is that issue to solve I guess.
It could even be like other sites, where there is a Blam/Save system for you first few posts and after you passed 5 or so times, you post directly to the site.
And btw, I don't like the scouting system, I think the Blam/Save system should ultimately replace it completely.
@ClunkyDot this good response, i just wanna post anything without my art being blammed